Document Type : Research Paper


1 Anbar University - College of Medicine

2 Anbar University - College of Science



This study aimed to determine the prevalence of Glucose-6-Phosphate
Dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency in Al-Anbar Governorate-Ramadi and to
study the different relationships between these cases and different
haematological parameters values. In addition to that this study aimed to
investigate the degree of G6PD deficiency in both sever and moderate status and
to find the ratio of this enzyme deficiency in both sexes .One hundred sixty six
(166) samples from both sexes (80) males and (86) females(neonates) were
Results showed that the overall frequency among neonates of G6PD
deficiency was 10.84% (13.75% males and 8.13% females.Significant difference
in G6PD deficiency was found between both sexes, males showed more
frequency than females (P< 0.01.) Males showed high ratio of acute G6PD
deficiency than females (P< 0.01), vise versa for the moderate G6PD deficiency.
The normal G6PD activity level, mean ± standard deviation among neonates was
(10.85±0.88) IU/gm.Hb.,this mean activity value was
(9.77±0.82)IU/gm.Hb.for males and (11.93±0.95)IU/gm.Hb.for females, while this
value among neonates with G6PD deficiency was (1.59±0.120)IU/gm.Hb.,for
males (0.98±0.063)IU/gm.Hb.and (2.21±0.187)IU/gm.Hb. for females
respectively.Patients with G6PD deficiency neonates showed significantly lower
(P< 0.01) haemoglobin (Hb), packed-cell volume (PCV), red blood cell count
(RBC) and enzymatic activity values than G6PD normal subjects.While
Reticulocyte count was higher in the samples of neonates with G6PD deficiency
but this increase was not significant in comparison to the normal neonates. (P>
0.05)Also non significant differences (P> 0.05) were found between samples of
normal individuals and those of G6PD deficiency regarding white blood cell
count (WBC) .

Main Subjects

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