Document Type : Research Paper


1 Anbar University - College of Education for Girls

2 Anbar University - College of Science



Several experiments were conducted at Al – Ramadi distinct / Al – Anbar
province, Iraq in 2007 to investigate effect of thermal degradation kinetics of actellic
(2-Diethylamino-6-methylprimidin-4-yl-dimethyl phosphorothionate) on the biological
activity in controlling of aphids ( Myzus persicae) on cucumber . The insecticide was
exposed to six tempertures levels in the laboratory ( 0 , 5 , 10 , 20 , 40 and 60 C˚ ) for five
exposal periods ( 1 , 2 , 4 , 6 and 8 h ) before field application in infestation % of aphids
and productivity of cucumber were estimated .
Resulte showed that actellic activity was decreased at ( 0 C˚) with increasing
exposing tempertures where as infestation % was ( 27 % ) at ( 60 C˚) , up to ( 10 % ) at
( 0 C˚ ) lead to decrease productivity of plant with increasing temperatures . The higher
average obtained under ( 5 C˚ ) was ( 3347kg / D ) , While it decreased at ( 60 C˚ ) of (
2815 kg / D ) .
The results showed that thermal degradation of actellic which measured by
ion phosphorus increased while pH reduced by increasing temperature. The kinetic
studies indicated that the rate of reaction is of the first order by drawing the relation
between Ln ( Po / Pt ) with time of temperature which showed a linear relation,
Dissociation pesticide actellic. Thermodynamic functions actellic degradation calculated
such as ( Activation Energy, Enthalpy , Entropy , Gibbs function ) Which is highly effect
by temperature .


Main Subjects

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