Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Life Sciences - College of Education - University of Anbar

2 Department of Biology - College of Science - University of Anbar


The activity of two bacteria isolates Pseudomonas aureofaiciens &
Pseudomonas putida in improving some specific and quantitative characters of
Sorghum biocolor and protecting the plant from infection with the fungus Rhizoctonia
solani was studied. Complete Randomized Design with three replicates was used in this
experiment. The results showed significant higher values of treatments with bacterial
isolates in growth percentage, leaf area, height of plant, chlorophyll content and dry
weight of shoots. The results also showed significant differences in levels of nitrogen and
phosphorus in shoot weight of plant for all treatments which treated with bacterial
vaccines. The isolates also improved the studied characters of plants cultured in soil
contaminated with Rhizoctonia solani and significantly inhibited the effect of plant
pathogen. We concluded from this research it can use bacterial vaccines as new
biological technique in improving Agricultural production as Biofertilizers and
Biocontrol to inhibit fungi growth on crops.


Main Subjects

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