Document Type : Research Paper


1 Alanbar University - College of Science

2 Baghdad University - College of Science



Thin films of Cu(In1-xAlx)S2 have been prepared using chemical spray pyrolysis
method as a function of the concentration [where (x=0,0.1,0.2,....,1)] with thickness (0.55±0.05 μm) at
substrate temperature of 300 °c , through the study of X-ray diffraction we found the prepared thin
films have polycrystalline and chalcopyrite structure with tetragonal arrangement, and preferred
orientation along (112) direction, The absorptance spectra have been recorded for wavelength range
(200_1100 nm) were used to calculate the absorption coefficient and optical energy gap , and the
electronic transition were found of the allowed direct type and value of energy gap for CuInS2 equal
1.52 ev at x=0 and equal 3.20 ev for CuAlS2 at x=1 ,whereas the absorption coefficient values be (104-
105 cm-1) in all prepared thin films,through the absorption coefficient and absorption edge we
calculated the value of the electrical conductivity that equal 6.893 and 3.273 (Ω.cm)-1 and value of
resistively for prepared films that equal 0.145 and 0.305 (Ω.cm) for CuInS2 and CuAlS2 respectively


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