Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Life Sciences - College of Education - University of Anbar


Samples of 896 patients visited Al –Q uim general hospital and also ,
four different random of soil samples were taken from outside and inside doors
to examine the presence of gastric parasites during the year .
Results showed a total percent of % 53.2 and 9 species of intestinal
parasites were specified in accordance with their percentages ; they are as
follows :-
Entamoeba histolytica %26.4 , Giardia lamblia %9.5 , Chilomastix mesnili
%6.5 , Enterobius vermicularis %3.7 , Endolimax nana %2.3 , Ascaris
lumbricoides %1.6 , Hymenolepis nana %1.2 , Balantidium coli %0.8 ,
Trichuris trichiura %0.6 .
However , the total percent of in festation was 46.4% and 23.2% for the
outside and inside doors respectively . parasites specified with their percentages
in the soil samples were classified as follows respectively :-
Ascaris lumbricoides ( % 37.5 , % 44.6 ) , Enterobius vermicularis ( %
31.2 , % 33.8 ) , Hymenolepis nana ( % 14.5 , % 12.3 ) , Trichuris trichiura ( %
16.6 , % 9.2 ) .

Main Subjects

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