Document Type : Research Paper


Anbar University - College of Science



Sudy was conducted for producing a single-cell protein from Whey and remnants of
dates, using local yeast Isolated from the environments of Whey and remnants of dates of
Isolates. The study also tackled the impact of the use of selected mixed culture isolates on
producing single-cell protein. The production of single cell protein was performed in accordance
use of Batch Fermenter. The validity of the produced single cell protein to ensure that it is free
from toxins and using to feed the fish Cyprinus carpio L instead of various percents of normal
protein. Six Isolates obtained from natural sources, which included 3 Isolates of the whey
environment and 3 Isolates of remnants of dates.The use of the Fermenter production rate of
the single-cell protein that was 23.35 grams / liter.The results of diagnostic tests showed that
isolates returning to Genus of Candida, as diagnosed as Candida utilisWt2 and C.
tropicalisDr1.The analysis of results showed that the components of single-cell protein product
that the proportion of crude protein ranged between 52.55 - 57.01%, and percentage of
carbohydrates 23.74 - 26.9%, and the proportion of ether extracted fat ranged 2.74 - 2.98%,
The percentage of ash about 11.03 - 11.38%, the percentage of nucleic acid (3.40-3.96%), while
it contains many amino acids, including sulfur amino acids.and Toxicology results showed that
the produced was free from toxins.
The study showed the possibility of replacing 25% of the animal protein in feed fish
feeding by single-cell and used to feed fish Cyprinus carpio L. without significant changes in the
final weight of the fish during the experiment period of 70 days.


Main Subjects

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