Document Type : Research Paper


1 Anbar University - College of Science

2 Anbar University - College of Education Al-Qaim



Pots experiment was conducted under normal conditions GA3 used in 4 levels: (0, 25,
50, 100 mg/l) while the organic fertilizer used in 3 levels: (0, 72, 144 gm/pot). Complete Randomized
Design was used with three replicates.
Results showed the following:
1- Treatment of GA3 (25 mg/l) gave high values in plant height (44.6 cm/plant), leaf area (20.1 cm2
/plant), dry weight (2.2 gm/plant), branch no/plant (4.1), chlorophyll content (4.8 mg/gm), starch in
grains (66.4 %), and protein in grains (12.9 %).
2- Treatment of 144 gm/pot organic fertilizer gave the highest value in: dry weight (2.3 gm/plant),
branch/plant (4.3), chlorophyll content (5.2 mg/gm), protein in grains (13.1 %).
3- The interaction between treatments of GA3 (25 mg/l) and 144 gm/plant organic fertilizer gave
significant values compared with other treatments such are: plant height (46.5 cm), leaf area (21.9
cm2/plant), dry weight (2.6 gm/plant), branch no/plant (5 branch), chlorophyll content (5.8 mg/gm),
starch in grains (70.5 %), protein in grains (16 %), grains/spike (32 grain), weight of 1000 grains (28.2
gm) and grains yield/pot (10.8 gm).


Main Subjects

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