Document Type : Research Paper


Anbar University - College of Science



This study was conducted for producing a single-cell protein from Whey and
remnants of dates, using local yeast Isolated.The efficient Isolates were selected for
utilization of the used carbon sources and production of single-cell protein.The limitation
of the appropriate incubation period for growth and production as trial to improving the
nutrient media components which was performed by the increment of the prepared of
carbon source by focusing Whey or mixing it with the remnants of dates at different
rates. The addition of supports to the media included food powder plant Northblan and
remnants of culture of mushrooms and shellfish waste of bloody massacres meat and
crude oil.The study also tackled the impact of the use of selected mixed culture isolates
and impact of shaking and aeration processes on producing single-cell protein.The
production of single cell protein was performed in shaking incubator and by using
The most important findings are :
Sexes Isolates obtained from natural sources, which included 3 Isolates of the
whey environment and 3 Isolates of remnants of dates.Test results showed the efficiency
of isolates selected in the production of single cell protein fermentation process for four
days, the concentrated whey media gave the best production rate 4.60 g / liter. The study
showed that mixing 50% of remnants of dates with 50% of concentrated whey led to
significant increase in the production was 6.56 g / liter. The use of the improved
materials for the media led to significant increase in the results, achieving higher
productivity 8.35 g / liter when using remnants of the bloody massacres of meat. The use
of mixed cultures led to significant increase in the production compared with pure
cultures of Isolates that gave mixed isolates Wt2Dr1Fl higher productivity amounted to
14.79 grams / liter. The study showed that the process of agitation and aeration had
significant role in raising production to hit 17.61 grams / liter when using aeration rate of
0.5 liter / minutes with shaking speed of 150 cycle / minutes.. The use of the Fermenter
instead of the shaking incubator had significant increased production rate of the singlecell
protein that was 23.35 grams / liter. The results of diagnostic tests showed that
isolates returning to Ascomycetes, Genus of Candida, as Candida utilisWt2 and C.
tropicalisDr1.The analysis of results showed that the components of single-cell protein
product that the proportion of crude protein ranged between 52.55 - 57.01%, and
carbohydrates 23.74 - 26.9%, and the proportion of ether extracted fat ranged 2.74 -
2.98%, the percentage of nucleic acid (3.40-3.96%). The study showed a decline in the
value of BOD for the used mediato 480 mg / liter at the development mix isolates
Wt2Dr1Fl .


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