Document Type : Research Paper


Anbar University - College of Science



Two local Streptomyces (Streptomyces O3 & Streptomyces TS36 ) was used
in this study. The isolate Str. O3 has been isolated from one of Ramadi city soil,
the isolate has been selected based on it's ability of producing cellulase through
it's ability of digesting sawdust as culture medium to test inhibition activity
against some pathogenic bacteria. The isolate Stre.TS36 prediagnosed in college
of science-University of Al-Anbar has also been used. The isolate Str.O3 was
described phenotypically and physiologically by many cultures media, also has
been diagnosed by different temperatures, and it's ability of growth in different
salt concentrations and different pH was also tested, in which selected optimum
conditions to producing inhibition activity against tested pathogenic bacteria
Staphylococcus aureus& E. coli..
Result showed the ability of the two selected streptomyces used in studying it's
utilization of sawdust as a carbon source for growth and production of inhibition
activity against pathogenic bacteria, in which the solid culture and liquid culture
methods were used to grow the two local isolates to produce the inhibition
activity in presence of sawdust, both isolates were able to produce the inhibition
activity in both solid and liquid cultures, the isolates Str.O3 and Str.TS36 were
able to produce inhibition activity in test cultures 2,3 and 4 containing 0.3, 0.7
and 1.5 g/ml of sawdust respectively against Staphylococcus aureus similar to or
little better than control culture that does not contain sawdust, also the isolates
Str.O3 was able of producing inhibition activity in the same previous test cultures
against E. coli, the isolate Str. O3 showed high stability in high temperature in
which it was able to grow and produce inhibition activity in temperature 40C0
comparing with isolate Str.TS36 that was able to grow and produce inhibition
activity in 28 C0.

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