Document Type : Research Paper


1 Tikrit University - College of Veterinary Medicine

2 Baghdad University - College of Veterinary Medicine



This study was conducted to compare the inhibitory effect of lactic acid bacteria and its filtrate
which were concentrated two times and half non-concentrated filtrate with some antibiotics which used usually as
therapeutic against Staphylococcus aureus growth. Three lactic acid bacteria isolates were obtained for this goal
from microbiology dept. laboratory, Vet. College - Baghdad university and these three isolates were lactobacillus
casei (v1), L. casei (v2) and L. fermentatum .Sixty hundred and two milk samples were collected from 358 cows
infected with acute and sub clinical mastitis distributed between Zob'aa village in Abu-Ghraib and Al-Naser
station of cows in Al-sewera city. Samples were cultured on blood base agar and Manittol salt agar, biochemical
tests were performed to ensuring the results of diagnosis Diagnostic study depending upon morphological, cultural
and biochemical tests yielded the isolation of 173 staphylococcus aureus isolate.The susceptibility tests showed
that S. aureus isolates varied on their sensitivity towards antibiotics , all these isolates were found to be resistante
by the percentage 100% to Ampicillin ,Lincomycine and vancomycin and 94,8% , 47,4% to pencillin-G and
chloromphenicol respectively while these isolates were found to be susceptible 100%, 90,75% , 76,88% , 72,26%
and 71,1% to ciprofloxacin, Kanamycin, Gentamycin, Sulfatri metheprime and tetracycline respectively. The three
Isolates of lactic acid bacteria varied on their inhibitory effect against S. aureus Isolates L. casei (v1) showed their
inhibitory effect against S. aureus isolates which were sensitive to ciprofloxacin, kanamycin, Gantamycin, Sulfa
tri metheprime, Tetracycline, Penicillin-G, Chloramphenicol with inhabitation zone of 13mm while the zone
increase to 18mm with the same isolates L. casei (v1) against S. aureus which resist to antibiotics except
Ciprofloxacin. L. casei (v2) gave inhibitory zone of 19mm against S. aureus isolates sensitive to antibiotics and
20mm for S. aureus isolates resist to antibiotics isolates of L. fermentum differed in their inhibitory effect between
observed effect 15mm against S. aureus which were sensitive antibiotics to more effect against the same isolates
17mm which were resist to antibiotics. Filtration of lactic acid bacteria isolates growth showed good inhibitory
effect range between 18-20mm against S. aureus which were sensitive to antibiotics and 19-22mm against the
same isolates which were resist to antibiotics.Concentration filtrate of lactic acid bacteria showed an increase of
the inhibitory zone (23,24,23) mm for L. casei(v1) , L. casei(v2) , and L. fermentum respectively after
concentrated in compare with (19,22,20)mm before concentrated

Main Subjects

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