Document Type : Research Paper


1 Anbar University - College of Agriculture

2 Anbar University - College of Education - Al-Qaim



This study was included isolation and identification of bacterial isolates for growth promoter
production ( Indol Acetic Acid ) by application of local culture and evaluate its efficiency. According
to this perpoute bacterial isolates were collected and examined for their ability to indol
production.The local media used included dry powder of legume, bean ,soyabean , seed and milk
powder. Its also was tested the effect of edition of supplements to the culture such as treptophan ,N.
broth , glucose , N and P on indol production optimum condition was included to increase production
efficincy .The ability of selection isolate for iron chelating natural, phosphate disolveing , Nitrogen
fexation were tested.Applied biological expermints has been done in order to evalution the efficincy
of indol production in compantion with industrial indol and also the efficincy for the selection
isolates and their filteration the effect on the implantation of sow seed and groth of soyabeen which
suffering from the prescence and distribution of Rhizopia espelially from lraqi soil .This study have
the following results :-18 isolates were obtain cupable for them indol production ( 30 from total
isolates) 14 isolats were nodulan bacteria .8 isolates which have high efficancy in indol production
were tested six isolates tended to Rhizopium and two isolate to Pseudomonus in next screening used
culture with special condation , two isolates Pssp2S ,Rsp8RA were selected to be used in the indol
production growth on Local culture supplements The results of optimum condition study showded
the best indol production acharied 41.9& 42.8 mg IAA / l respecivly This study improved the ability
of selection isolates to alchelating compouned CAS from blue to pink colum with 4.5 – 5.8 min. of
Ps.sp2S and Rsp8RA respectively.Their isolates have ability to phosphate dissolved in the medium
with diametr range dissolving 6.25 – 11.75 mm respectively , and the ,Rsp8RA isolate has ability to
nitrogen fixation in the medium with avarge of 3.65 N / L whil the Ps.sp2S doesn't able to nitrogen
fixation .
Result of applied biological experiment showed an increased treatment of two isolates mixture
Rsp8RA , PssP2S with their filterated achaived inclues in :
A-Characters of vegetative group that achaived high avarge for branching ( 4.37 ) height of plant (
81.2 cfu/ ml and leaf area 78.4cm ) ,persente of chlorophyll ( 39.6% ), dry weight (51.2 g)
Nitrogen and Phosphours yield in plant ( 491, 1020 mg ) respectively .
B- Root characters were achaived high avarge the number of noduls (56.3 noduli) . weight of
root group ( 10.4 gm ).
c- Soil characters after sowing were achaived high average of nitrogen and phosphorus in soil (166 –
18.4 mg / kg soil) respectively and high microbial population in soil ( 7.82 Log cfu/ ml ).

Main Subjects

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