Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ministry of Health - Anbar Health Department

2 Anbar University - College of Science



ABSTRACT:This study aims at collecting umbilical cord blood from infants in Al-Ramadi city. It
estimates some of the cellular and biochemical blood criteria and achieves immunological tests to find
specific antibodies for some pathogenic cases in addition to the study of chromosomal form for the
lymphocytes .
The results showed the following:
v Blood tests: Hb concentration decreased in cord blood it reaches the mean 13.25 gm/dl , ESR
increased at 13.71mm/hr , PCV increased at mean 49.2% ,WBC increased at the mean 12600
cell/mm3. Neutrophile increased at the mean 36.6 % . Basophile , Acidophile ,monocyte,
decreased at the mean respectively 0.02,0.18,0.48%.While lymphocytes increased at the mean
v Biochemical tests: Cholestrol decreased at the mean 74.5%. Blood sugar also decreased at the
mean 75.2mg/dl.Total proteins and albumine decreased at the mean 6.23gm/dl and 4.12gm/dl.
Transaminases activityGOT,GPT increased at 41.32 U/L and 38.18 U/L.Bilirubin increased at
the mean 1.57 mg/dl. Creatine decreased at the mean 8.77 mg/dl . Urea increased at 30.36
v Electrophoresis:There were certain differences in the proteins patterns of the serum of the
cord blood and the mothers serums as well

Main Subjects

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