Document Type : Research Paper


1 College of Science - Anbar University

2 College of Dentistry, Baghdad University

3 College of Dentistry

4 College of Agriculture, Anbar University


This study was carried out in the fungi toxity laboratory – College of
Agriculture -Baghdad university during 2006 to evaluate coantial wastes utilizing
as essential martial to prepare general media for some microorganisms.
Results obtained can be summarized as follow:-
1-Best quantity can be used from coantial to prepare general medium for fungus
was 100 gr l which was given growth rate from fungus were tested semiler
than which was obtaind by yousd potato dextrose agare (PDA) medium.
2-The increased on mat dry weight for fungus tested by using caontial medium
with 5 gr. starch as amendment were 1.15 ,1.29 ,1.14 and 1.67 gr100 ml
medium from Pleurotus ostreatus ,Trichoderam harizanium ,Fusarum
monifrom and Aspergillus flavus combared with ,0.59,1.28 and 0.91 gr
100ml on PD medium respectively.
3-Effect of coantil medium with amendment on spores concentration were 24 x105
ml and16 x105ml from A.flavus and F.monilifrom copared with 2x 105ml
and 12 x105ml on PD medium .
4-On other hand the best quantity can be used from coantial to prepare medium
utlize for bacteria culture was 50 gr 1 which was gevin best growth rate for
Escherichia coli .Azotobacter sp and pseudomonas fluorcens semilar than
obtaind by used N.B. media and coantial media inereased the count density
only for Azotobacter sp.


Main Subjects

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