Document Type : Research Paper


University of Anbar-College of Dentistry



Abstract:The compound [H2L1] (2,6-di(phenyl-4-methyl) [3.3.1] azabicyclo-9-2-amino ethylimine) was used to prepare two novel Schiff base ligands 2,4-bis [2,6-di(phenyl-4-methyl)[3.3.1] azabicyclo-9- 2-imine ethylimine] butane [L2] and 2,5-bis [2,6-di(phenyl-4-methyl)[3.3.1] azabicyclo- 9-2-imine ethylimine] pentane [L3] , by the reaction of [2,3-butandione] and [2,4-pentandione] with 2,6-di (phenyl-4-methyl) [3.3.1] azabicyclo -9-2-amino ethylimine [H2L1] in [1:2] ratio in presence of concentrated HCl acid. The mixture was refluxed in ethanol for eight hours. The new ligands were used to prepare new complexes with Cu(II) and Pd(II). The prepared compounds were identified by IR, U.V-Vis, 1H, 13C NMR spectra, elemental microanalysis (C.H.N). In addition the complexes were characterized by IR, U.V-Vis, conductivity, magnetic susceptipility and melting point. Results showed that all complexes have an octahedral structure.


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