Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Chemistry- College of science - University Anbar.

2 Department of Biotechnology-College of Science - Baghdad University


In this study, the process of separating and analyzing oils from some plant seeds such as Washingtonia tree and Silybum marianum(kulgan) Soxhlat apparatus was used in the extraction process, where extraction was performed using organic solvents (Hexane and Petroleum ether). Then appreciation the percentage of oil in these plants. It was found that the seeds of the Silybum marianum plant contain a higher percentage of oil than the seeds of Washingtonia tree. Then, the active functional groups found in these oils were identified using the (FT-IR) spectrum. The composition of the fatty acids found in the seeds of these plants was also studied using the technique of gas chromatography (GC). This analysis showed five saturated fatty acids and three unsaturated fatty acids, the percentage of these acids in the Washingtonia tree seeds ranged between 1.2-42.7%, while the percentage of the acids in the kulgan seeds ranged between 3.4-54.5%. Also, some physical and chemical properties of extracted fatty acids such (density, acid value, refractive index, flash point) were measured.


Main Subjects

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