Document Type : Research Paper


College of Education for Pure Sciences- Department of Physics - University of Anbar


A nanocomposite materials were prepared based on polymeric blend[ 80% Ep + 20% UPE], supported by nanosilicon Carbide (SiC) , of crystalline size (≈ 50 nm) with weight percentages[ 2, 4 and 6 Wt% ]. Dielectric strength for the blend and composites samples before and after immersion in water for 11 weeks. The results showed that the dielectric strength decreases with average the rise of voltage decreasing , and variation form nonlinearly with samples thickness . While the dielectric strength increased with increasing the addition of ratio Wt%. On the other hand , immersing the samples in the water caused a clear reduction of the dielectric strength for each of the blend and composite.



Main Subjects

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