Document Type : Research Paper


1 Tikrit university – College of Science – Department Of Biology

2 Tikrit university – College of Science – Department Of Physics


In this study, the effect of laser radiation on the Tribalium castaneum was examined in terms of changes in the external appearance of this insect in terms of shape and color, as well as the calculation of the percentage of death rate due to diode laser irradiation of wavelength (532 nm) and power (1 W) which was conducted at three distances (10, 15, 20)cm and exposure times (10, 15, 20)sec for each distance. The results showed an increase in the percentage of killers of the flour beetle in addition to increasing distortions where the distance between the insects and the laser source decreased and the exposure time increased. Note the results of this laser treatment effect in time stages, after (12 hours) and then note after pass (24 hours) and after (48 hours) and then (72 hours). The rate of killing was (100%) at the distances (20, 15) cm after (72 hours) after exposure to laser.



Main Subjects

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