Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Physics, College of Education for Pure Sciences, University of Anbar,Iraq


A composite materials were prepared using a polymeric blend of epoxy resin and unsaturated polyester as a matrix material, and using a nanoceramic powder Lead Zirconium Titanate as a reinforcement material in different adding ratios( 2wt % & 6wt % ). Impact strength, surface hardness, thermal conductivity and solutions absorption tests were carried out for the polymeric blend and composite samples. The pre-immersion results showed that adding the ceramic powder to the polymeric blend improved the surface hardness, increased thermal conductivity as well as reduced impact strength. Immersing the samples in H2SO4 acid and kerosene caused of decrease in impact strength and surface hardness as well as increase in thermal conductivity. It was also noticed an increase in the absorption rate of acid and kerosene solutions in a manner proportional to the duration of immersion.



Main Subjects

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