Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Chemistry ,College of Science, University of Baghdad, Baghdad,Iraq

2 Department of Chemistry , College of Education for Women ,University of Anbar

3 Department of Chemistry ,College of Science, University of Anbar



The Objective of the present work is to estimate the concentration levels of some heavy metals (Co, Ni, Cr, Pb , Fe Zn and Cu) in the soil of region from Al-Fallujah city by sampling (20)soil sample were collected from different schools of Al-Fallujah city , one sample for each area with a depth(5-20)cm . Preparation of samples after collecting for measuring by ICP-OEA was conducted . After getting the results, comparing with the international limits for heavy metals in soil was done.From the results we can found that most of heavy metals )Co, Ni, Cr, Pb, Zn and Cu) increasing in the study regions because of human activities and diffusion of electric energy generators that was lead to increasing concentrations of heavy metals, as a by-product released from combustion of fuel was contribute by increasing concentrations of some elements especially of lead element that is addition to fuel as anti-knocking agent .Then its cause an increasing of concentration elements in the atmosphere then precipitate on the soil m while concentration of Iron was low in the regions study .

Main Subjects

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