Document Type : Research Paper





This research includes study the effect of solution absorptions on hardness property for polymer composite blends. Epoxy, unsaturated polyester resins and their mixture were used as matrix for Kevlar fibers in order to make composite material that undergo previous test. The composite material slates include three groups; epoxy resin composite, unsaturated polyester resin and mixture of (75%) epoxy resin and (25%) unsaturated polyester resin. All these types reinforced with two layers of industrial Kevlar fibers with volume fraction (20%) by use hand layup method. The composite materials cutting off into small samples to undergo hardness test depending on American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) and the properties of tests apparatuses used. These samples divided into two groups; the first immersion in distilled water and acidic solution of (HCl) with (1.5 N) for (30) days; while the second group leave dry. The two groups undergo the hardness test and the results compared with each other. The results for the first group showed an increase in absorption rate in the beginning of immersion until the day (17th) (the weight became high) the weight became constant. Also, we find that the relationship between absorption rate and root square for time was linear, then change and became curved until reach saturation state. On the other hand, the hardness property for these samples showed high improved when these samples were reinforced with Kevlar fibers with volume fraction (20%) comparisons with unreinforced samples. Also, the hardness property for the immersion samples showed decreased in its values

Main Subjects

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