Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ministry of Science and Technology

2 Department of Geology ,College of Science, University of Baghdad, Baghdad,Iraq

3 Department of Geology,College of Science, University of Baghdad, Baghdad ,Iraq.



The Study area is located in the northwestern part of Anbar Governorate, between latitude 33° 51.9 -34° 19, and longitudes 42° 15.83 - 42° 40.3. The research is concerned with the study of Heavy metal variation in (8) wells and (4) springs between Haditha dam and Al-Baghdadi dam. Nine Heavy metals were analyzed for groundwater and springs samples include (Zn2+, Fe2+, Cd2+, Mn2+, Pb+2, B2+and As2+). For periods August 2011 -March 2012. This study shows a spatial and temporal variation in heavy metals while all the samples of wells were not exceeding the permissible limits. The results also show a variation in depth and origin of wells and springs, this variation is reflected by different concentration of heavy metals, in addition to some human activities, which raise the level of concentrations.

Main Subjects

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