Document Type : Review Paper


1 Construction and Project Departments, Al Iraqia University, Baghdad, Iraq

2 Department of Chemistry, College of science, Al-Nahrain university

3 Department of Chemistry ,College of education Al Iraqia University , Baghdad , Iraq



Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs), for instance Ozone, Fenton process, photo Fenton, photolysis, photo-catalysis, and photolysis of hydrogen peroxide and photolysis of ozone have remained inspected widely aimed at the elimination of a wide variety of organic pollutants (OPs).  AOP without UV might not attain complete elimination of a comprehensive group of OPS. When combined with UV, AOPs produce additional free radicals, consequently execution improved squalor of the OPS. This review briefly deliberates the individual AOPs and their limits in the direction of the squalor of OPS comprising diverse useful collections. It too categorizes AOPs and lengthily clarifies their efficiency aimed at the squalor of a wide variety of OPS. Underneath suitable circumstances, AOPs not solitary initiate squalor nonetheless might too principal to whole mineralization. Numerous issues can affect the competence of procedures counting the chemistry of water and the organic molecular structure for instance, the attendance of organic content in water can have an important influence. In general, these organic also change toward high redox possible radicals upon crash with additional reactive species and upsurge the rates of reaction, or might performance by way of radical scavengers and reduction the development competence


Main Subjects

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