Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Chemistry College of Science University of Anbar

2 College of Medicine, University of Anbar



Extraction of vegetative part of the plant Opuntia ficus indica was carried out by different polar solvents (i.e; Water, Methanol 60%, Absolute Methanol, Absolute Ethanol, Acetone, Ethyl acetate and Chloroform). Percentage of each extract was calculate and found as follow: H2O > 60% Me OH > abs. Me OH > abs. Et OH > Acetone > Ethyl acetate > Chloroform. Some organic acids (i.e; Salicylic and Tannic acids) were separated from liquid extraction by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) and Thin Layer Chromatography (T.L.C.) The percentage of their acids 24% and 43% respectively. Spectroscopic tools (U.V and I.R) were used to identify the structure of these acids. Oil of Opuntia ficus indica was obtained by Soxhlet. The percentage of this oil was 2.5%. Antibacterial activity was studied for different extracts from Opuntia ficus indica and oil in the growth of three undiagnosed isolates of Gram negative and positive bacteria by Agar-Well diffusion method. Results of antibacterial activity study appeared variable activity depending on the nature of solvent and the nature of polar compound used in extraction. 

Main Subjects

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