Document Type : Research Paper


AL-Anbar University- College of Dentistry



The antibacterial activity of different concentrations of Alum (Hydrated Aluminum
Potassium Sulfate) were examined against Proteus mirabilis that causes upper urinary tract infections
.During our experiments we found that the following concentrations ( 0.0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7
, 0.8, 0.9 mg/ ml ) were given gradual effect on swarm, a phenotype that was associated with
motility. These concentrations were used to inhibit swarming and motility the two important virulence
factors coupled closely with the ability to invade urothelial cells. The present study revealed that
Alum began significantly inhibited swarming at 0.3 mg/ml for all seven isolates of P. mirabilis that
tested in the study . It was considered that the concentration 0.6 mg/ml completely inhibition the
phenomenon of swarming because the bacteria appear as separated small colony on nutrient agar .
The diameter of swarming was decreased by increasing the concentration of Alum. Although it was
found that this bacteria losses the motility on semi-solid media in 0.6 mg/ ml of alum( Hydrated
Aluminum Potassium Sulfate) after 24 hrs incubation but the Minimum Inhibition Concentration
( MIC ) of Alum was 0.8 mg/ml .The study revealed that Alum has the potential effect against P.


Main Subjects

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