Document Type : Research Paper


Tikrit University - College of Science



This study was conducted in the green house in Tikrit university/ College of science / Dept. of biology
to find out the effect of some heavy metals (Zn, Pb and Cd) on the growth of Triticum aestivum L. .
Different levels of these metals were studied to investigate their effect on the vegetative characteristics
of the plant.The results showed that the vegetative characters of Triticum aestivum L. were decreased
significantly when grew on heavy metal polluted soil. This decrease worked along with the increasing
of the rate of heavy metals tested. results also showed that the highest values of uptaking by the
vegetative parts were 55.41, 6.08 and 99.21 μgm/gm dry weight and they were 73.51, 8.77 and 124.33
μgm/gm dry weight for Pb, Cd and Zn respectively. The bioaccumulation for Zinc had the highest
values among the three metals tested. In this respect, the root of this plant was more effective than
other vegetative parts tested.

Main Subjects

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