Document Type : Research Paper


1 Technical Education Authority - Kirkuk Technical Institute

2 Tikrit University - College of Education

3 Tikrit University - College of Medicine



In the present study, Toxoplasma gondiiwas isolated and diagnosed from human as first attempt, and
then the infection was created in laboratory mice as an essential step for growing the parasite. The
second step was studying the effect of some selected drugs on the experimental treatment for disease of
toxoplasmosis created in the mice. The drugs are: Pyrimethamin ,Clarithromycin , Spiramycin,
Ivermectin .The results of the study showed the effects of these drugs on the tissue cyst formed in the
brain and lungs. The number of tissue cysts in the brain of the mouse treated with pyrimethamin was
14.8 ±1.067 after 28 days. Significant differences appeared when this result compared with the control
group in which it was 27.4±1.029.The number of tissue cysts formed in lung, tissue in the mouse
treated with the same drug after the same period of the time was 6.2±0.583.This showed a significant
differences as compared with the control group in which it was 10.2±0.583.No significant differences
appeared between both groups as for the treatment by Clarithromycin antibiotic as far as the number of
the tissue cysts formed in the brain after 28 days is concerned. The number was 23.8 ±0.86 as
compared with the control group 38.6±1.029.The same compared is true of the lungs, tissue. The
number of the tissue cysts was 23.8±0.86 as compared with the control group 28.4±1.805.Concerning
the antibiotic Spiramycin ,the results showed the effectiveness of it in decreasing the tissue cysts
formed in the brain .The significant differences were (p<0.05),the rate of the cysts was 9.6±0.6 as
compared with the control group in which it was 22.8±1.067.The same effectiveness appeared on the
lungs, tissue as the rate of tissue cysts after 28 days of treatment was 4.6±0.509 as compared with the
control group in which was 17±1.14 and the significant differences were (p=0.000).The Ivermectin
drug showed a great effectiveness in minimizing the number of the tissue cysts formed in the brain and
the lungs. The numbers of the tissue cysts formed after 28 days were 3.2±0.374 and 1±0.316
respectively; significant differences are observed when these numbers are compared with the numbers
of the control group which were 22±1.843 and 19.4±1.435. Thus, the use of Ivermectin drug is
considered as a pioneer and fruitful study since this drug has not been used for the treatment of


Main Subjects

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