Document Type : Research Paper


Tikrit University - College of Science



This study has been applied to (89) blood samples and on (89) samples of amniotic fluid taken form pregnant women
during delivery and these results have been compared with (26) blood samples taken from healthy pregnant women as
a control group.The examined samples were divided in to three groups according to three number of deliveries the first
group included the women of first pregnancy, the second group is about women of (2-5) deliveries while the third
group comprised the women of more than (5) deliveries. The level of electrolytes (Sodium ,potassium ,Chloride,
calcium, phosphate and magnesium ) has been Increased in both of the serum and amniotic fluid an elevation has been
found in the level of ( calcium sodium and chloride ). In the serum of all the examined groups compared to control
group where was any slight differences an the level of ( magnesium, potassium and phosphate ) in the serum of all
examined groups compared to control group have not been found while the amniotic fluid has decreased slightly in the
level of ( magnesium potassium phosphate and calcium ) then any slight differences in the level of (sodium and
chloride ) in all the examined groups with their peers of serum have not been founded.Also the level of enzymes ( AST
) AsPartate amniotransferase ( ALT ) Alanine aminotransferase ( LDH ) lactate dehydrogenase ( CK ) creatine kinase (
ALK-P ) alkaline phosphatase has been examined and no slight differences have been noticed in the level of these
enzymes in serum of all examined groups compared to control group but the level of these enzymes have decreased in
the amniotic fluid of all the groups compared to their beers of serum . As for hormones increase in the level of
Prolactine and LH hormone has been noticed and the level of FSH and progesterone in the serum of all the examined
groups compared to control group has been lowered where as the amniotic founded has slightly upped or increased in
the level of FSH and progesterone with slight decrease in the level of LH hormone in all the examined groups as
compared to their peers in serum hence any slight differences or distinctions have not been found in the level of
prolactine and estrogen hormones in the amniotic fluid of all examined groups as compared to their peers in serum.

Main Subjects

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