Document Type : Research Paper


University of Anbar - College of Education for women



During the study of the behavior of meiosis in 5 anthers in each species of (Datura inoxia(Solanaceae),Eruca sativa(Cruciferae)andCarduus pycnocephalus(Compositae) around the area of Habania leak, Datura plant revealed a moderate number of cells between (107 – 433)for the 3 stages prophase,TelophaseI and TelophaseII. and the maximum number of cells was (1096) in one of anthers. Eruca plant showed an imparity in number with in three stages, with minimum number of 3 cells and maximum of (2965)cells. But Carduus gave lower number of cells varied between (6-134) . The clear difference in cells number for each of the three stages within one species, due to the incompleat developmet of different anthers. The percentage of (total mean number) of Datura was 18.91 %, Eruca 79.65 % and Carduus 2.8%. The Carduus revealed was the lowest product of cells, following by Datura, but Eruca had the highest production of pollen cells, which confirm more activity and high resistant. More over, an aberration cases in chromosome number in the equator of the cells at anaphase meiosis division,was clear in Eruca & Datura.

Main Subjects

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