Document Type : Research Paper


1 Anbar University - College of Dentistry

2 Anbar University - College of Science

3 University of Anbar - College of Education forwomen



The present study was included the detection for some active materials against some fungi such as Glycosides , Tannins , Essential oil , saponin , Flavonoides , Coumarin , Resin , Amino acids , Alkaloids , Phenols and steroids . Percentage of protein in the preciptation was 0.485%-1.021% and the percentage of filterate was 0.113%-0 .052% .some amino acids have been identified such as Tryptophan ,Phenylamin ,Arginine,Tyrosin ,Glycin and Cystine.The percentage of humidity in prosopis farcta seeds was 4.1% and the percentage of Ash was 6%.The activity of chemical compound s in prosopis farcta fruit powder has been tested in patients with fungi between their foot fingers have been tested by some methods , the first by using 100% seed powder .the second by using 100% fruit powder and the third by using mixture of 50% seed powder and 50% fruit powder .The powder was administrated to 60 patients once and twice per day for periods of 7days ,14 days and 28 days with 20 patients for each period of time and the amount dose.The period 28 days achieved superiority ,the percentages of fungi inhibition for each dose per day,for all Types of powder were 55%,60%,65%.The percentage of inhibition for two doses per day were 85%,90%,100%.The children under 5years infected intestinal parasites with Entamoeba histolytica ,Giardia lamblia using doses of 25 mg,50mg,75mg for 30 days.The perceantage of recovery was 100% when 75 mg of powder seed prosops faracta was administered.


Main Subjects

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