Document Type : Research Paper


University of Anbar College of Computer



This paper focuses on the design new intelligent system to prevent the e-learning from attack. electronic learning (e-learning) systems are becoming widely used tools for distance education/training and enhancement of regular in-person programs, of the importance of e-learning and the role of effective senior he had shown during the past few years needed to protect it from penetration and unauthorized access. We designed a defense system increases the defensive power of the educational site to protect it from any attacks and this increases the reliability of education and pay it forward. Using Artificial neural networks, which is one of the areas of artificial intelligence, design a system that has much to distinguish between this is a right to access to information or not depending on the properties is challenging and can be of these properties are similar for each person characteristics that are different from each other. Thus we have obtained an education system that drives the scientific enterprise secretary and the result of this artificial system with excellent is a penetration rate of non-existent.


Main Subjects

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