Document Type : Research Paper


1 Anbar University/college of education for women

2 Tikrit University - College of Science

3 Al-Nahrain University - College of Science



Bacterial isolated were collected from Al-Ramadi Teaching Hospital from total samples 65 of gallstone , 42 of urine stone and 8 samples of stoole. Twenty six isolates of Escherichia coli were collected (12 from gallstones , 10 from urine stones and 4 from gastrointestinal canal) and 14 isolates of Klebsiella pneumonia (4 from gallstones , 6 from urine stones and 4 from gastrointestinal canal). The result showed all isolates of E. coli have uidA gene which are responsible for coding to production B-glucuronidase enzyme, but doesn,t have ureA gene which are responsible for coding to broduction urease enzyme . while it showed all isolates of K. pneumonia have ureA gene, but doesn,t have uidA gene


Main Subjects

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