Document Type : Research Paper


University of Anbar - College of Education for Pure Sciences



Afield trial was carried out on the Field Crops Research Station of General Board of Agricultural Research Abu_ Ghraib in spring and autumn seasons in (2011) , Sex inbreds lines of maize (Zea mays L.) were used in this study gotten it from same station) DL – A1 , DL – B5 , DL – C45 , DL – C3 , DL – B , DL – B6) , These inbreds lines of maize were entered in half diallel cross in spring season (2011) to produce (15) F1crosses , Seeds of crosses were grown by using a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with four replicates in autumn season (2011) in order to evaluate the genetic behavior for single crosses hybrids through estimation general and specific combining ability and some genetic parameters according to Griffing method - 4 and design _ 1 under effect organic liquid fertilization for the following characters (number days of sowing to (50%) (day), plant height (cm) , leaf area (cm2) , rows number per ear , kernels number per row and (1000) kernel weight (gm) and grain yield (gm) (.
Statistics analysis showed that there were found highly significant differences among diallel crosses for all studied characters , The genetic analysis showed that mean square of general combining ability and mean square of specific combining ability were high significant in most studied characters , Value of mean square of general combining ability were bigger than value of mean square of specific combining ability in all studied characters except number days of sowing to (50%) silking in organic liquid fertilization treating and plant height in not fertilization treating .
The values of the variance component specific combining ability were more than that the variance component of general combining ability for most studied characters in both treating , The values of the Additive Genetic Variance more than that the Dominance Genetic Variance for all studied characters except number days of sowing to (50%) silking and plant height in both treating and leaf area in organic liquid fertilization treating .
Broad sense heritability was high for all studied characters in both treating , While narrow sense heritability was high for most of studied characters , The value of average dominance degree was more than one for all studied characters in both treating except rows number per ear in not fertilization treating

Main Subjects

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