Document Type : Research Paper


University of Anbar - College of Science



A water treatment technique are highly expensive and has great pressure on the economy of the countries .It is the time to find out economic and effective methods for water treatment specially natural spring water of high physical and chemical properties. The aim of study was depends on exploitation of activated carbon prepared from palm trees fronds in the treatment of the water of sulfur spring to get rid of the major polluting materials for public use. The treatment process was applied on samples taken from the spring in the center of Heet , a town situated on Abu jir crater paralleling the Euphrates across the cracking area in the lime formation. The study showed high efficiency of the activated carbon prepared from palm trees base fronds in eliminating sulfide from the water sulfur spring. The elimination efficiency was about 99%. A study was conducted to assess the efficiency of sulfide elimination and its relation with the sulfide concentration and the retention time.The interference effect of some common anions and cations and heavy metals (Cr,Mn,Fe,Ni,Cu and Zn) was investigated . There were also excellent results in the treatment of some physical and chemical properties and there was also a noticeable decrease in the concentration of the trace elements in the treated water below the standard limits. A rise in the concentration of zinc and chloride concentration accompanied with the treatment process of with the activated carbon pillar. Keywords: sulphide ion, spring waters, activated carbon, water treatment, palm trees fronds activated carbon. .

Main Subjects

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