Document Type : Research Paper


University of Alanbar College of Science


The present study was preformed in period between October 2011 to July 2012, isolated were isolated from Euphrates river in Ramadi city . samples were cultured on several culture media microscopical, cultural, biochemical,serotypical (by use of serotype Diagnosis kit of bacteria ) and genotypical (eae , stx , bfp ) diagnosis of bacteria were done . The results showed that 278 from Euphrates samples were E.Coli ( 68.137 %) also the results indicated that (28) isolates belong to EPEC and the dominant serotype were type1 multisampling equivalent. with ratio of (39.28%) followed by the multi-samples equivalent type4 (25%) and the multisampling equivalent type2 and type2 with a ratio of (17.85%) for each one .In addition the mono sample equivalent serotype ratio was O55 ( 21.42%) followed by 0142 with a ratio of (14.28%). Then , the sample typing 088 and 0126 come with a ratio of (10.7 %) . All serotype patterns were tested to check the content of virulence determinant and the results showed that 19 isolates contained the gene eae ratio( 67.85%) ,when as there is no any isolates contained bfp , stx genes EPEC bacteria also disinfected to typical EPEC and Atypical EPEC , where the typical EPEC were found in 28 isolates and Atypical EPEC identified in 19 isolates with the ratio (67.85%) .


Main Subjects

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