Document Type : Research Paper


1 University of Anbar - College of Education for Pure Sciences

2 General Directorate of Education Anbar


The study included 300 blood samples collected during the period between Jan. , 2007 to May 15 , 2008 in order to study blood anemia resulted from certain factors in Heet , Ramadi and Fuloja . Hb measure is used to indicate anemia .Results indicated significant difference in having anemia especially in men in various ages . High anemia was observed ages between 20 and 30 years. As compared to the lower ages less than 20 and above than 30 . For women , the highest anemia was recorded at ages 18 up to 40 years as compared to young old ages . High percentage of anemia was recorded in women rather than men and had increased in pregnant women than non-pregnant and in married than in single women. High anemia was found for blood type O as compared to other, and significant differences as compared to AB , A and B whereas no significant differences between A and B and still less in AB .

Main Subjects

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