Document Type : Research Paper


University of Anbar - College of Science


The study included the neutralization of bacterial plasmids E.coli and the role plasmids bacteria in response to some antibiotics . Growth of bacteria was carried out in different temperatures (40-60)0c and for different time periods (5-30) minutes to reach the 93% rate of killing and deportation in Agaros Gel Electrophoresis was detected over the losses of bacteria E.coli for plasmids compard with the original isolation .Tthe sensitivity of the bacteria was tested by discks method to antibiotics for the isolates curing compard with the original isolation . the rasults showed variation in the response of isolates to antibiotics curringcomparde with the original isolates as an antibiotic Erythromycin which become sensitive isolates by the largest rate of 31.00 mm of isolation 65 the curringwhile 0.00 mm for original isolate, and these curring isolates have retained their resistance to sodium chloride NaCl.


Main Subjects

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