Document Type : Research Paper


1 University of Anbar - College of Education for Pure Sciences

2 Anbar University - College of Education for Girls

3 Anbar University - College of Agriculture


A Factorial experiment has been carried out in the Random Complete Branch Design (RCBD) with three replication. Plasticpots with a capacity of (8 kg ) of soil have been prepared and filled with dry soil that was sifted using 2 mm sifter. Fertilizers have been added to Corn (Zea mays L.) according to recommendation. Corn seed was sowing on the 15th jolly 2011. Irrigation processes were done depending on gravimetric method to maintain soil moisture with the limits of moisture tension extent that represent depletion rates of water ; 25%, 50% and 75% until 15102011. Some physiological characters (chlorophyll content a, chlorophyll content b, total chlorophyll content, carbohydrates content, protein content and proline content) were calculated during flowering stage. Below are the most important results.The increase in moisture depletion has significantly affected most of the studied physiological characteristics. The moisture depletion of 25% got excellence over that of 50% and 75%, the values were (3.124 mg.g-1, 2.593 mg. g-1, 5.693 mg. g-1, 7.438 g.100 g-1 and 8.016 g.100 g-1) , respectively, except the prolin content whose highest value of moisture consumption was 75% reaching to 3.492µg. g-1. Also, the addition of magnesium has a significant effect; the addition of 2.25 g. Plasticpot of magnesium got excellence over (0, 0.75, 1.50) g. Plasticpot, the values were (3.59 mg.g-1 , 2.85 mg.g-1, 6.36 mg.g-1, 6.7 g.100g-1, 8.21 g.100g-1), respectively, except prolin content whose highest value was when not adding magnesium 2.93 µg.g-1. Soil texture has significant effects; clay loam got excellence over the sandy loam. The values were (3.0 mg.g-1, 2.45 mg.g-1, 5.45 mg.g-1, 6.916 g.100g-1and 7.950 g.100g-1), respectively, except the prolin content whose highest value in the sandy loam was 3.185 µg .g-1.

Main Subjects

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