Document Type : Research Paper


Anbar University - College of Education for Girls


The Study aimed to determine the impact of aqueous extract of plant bulbs of garlic seeds Allium sativum and scelery Apium gravealens measuring the biological effect on the adult house fly Musca domestica L. Different concentrations (1000, 2000, 3000ppm) of iequeous extract of both plants with time periods(6, 12, 24) hours in order to assess the likely impact of both at plants through insect exposure to aqueous extracts of nutrition Feeding method.The results showed that the rate of mortality of adult in aqueous extract of bulbs plant garlic is higher than in the extract of the seeds celery, reaching the highest percentage in plant extract of garlic 67.5 %, while the highest rate was in the plant celery 38.75% at 3000 ppm .The study showed that the adult mortality percentege at (24) hors period is higher compared with the period of (6 , 12) hours for both plants and all concentration .

Main Subjects

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