Document Type : Research Paper


Samarra University - College of Education



Cross-sectional study was carried out at 105 specimen of serum divided to (70) specimen for patients with type II diabetes mellitus (40) male and (30) female, and (35) specimen for healthy (18) male and (17) female individuals in order to study the effect of disease to the liver functions.The results showed that significantly elevated the activity of Enzymes, total protein and uric acid in sera of patients with type II diabetes mellitus as compared with healthy Individuals as control group.
The effect of hypertension was also studies to the levels of liver function parameters of patients with diabetes mellitus. The results showed increased in the levels of GOT, GPT and decreased in the levels of GGT in sera of patients with hypertension and D.M. as compared with the patient of D.M. only, while the levels of albumin, total protein and uric acid were slightly elevated in sera of patients with hypertension and D.M. as compared with patient with D.M. only.

Main Subjects

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