Document Type : Research Paper


1 University of Anbar - College of Education for Pure Sciences

2 Anbar University - College of Education for Girls

3 Anbar University - College of Agriculture



A Factorial experiment has been carried out on the basis of Random Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replicates for each treatment. Flowerpots with a capacity of (8 kg ) of soil have been prepared and filled with dry soil that was sifted using 2 mil sifter. Fertilizers have been added to Corn Zea mays according to recommendation. Corn was grown on the 15th july 2011. Irrigation processes were done depending on weight method to maintain soil moisture with the limits of moisture tension extent that represent tension rates of water ; 25%, 50% and 75% until 15102011. Then, the crop was harvested to calculate anatomical characteristics (epidermis cell count, length of epidermis cell, width of epidermis cell, length of stomata, width of stomata, No. of stomata in the upper surface, No. of stomata in the bottom surface and No. of motor cell). Below are the most important results.The increase in moisture consumption has significantly affected most of the studied anatomical characteristics. The moisture consumption rate 25% excelled were (124.587 micrometer, 21.79 micrometer, 37.082 micrometer, 21.050 micrometer, 14.025 stomata. Microfield-1, 22.00 stomata. Microfield-1, 3.9 motor cell), respectively, except epidermis cells count where the moisture consumption of 75% excelled was 65.250 cell. Microfield-1. Also, increasing the level of magnesium addition had significant effect; magnesium addition level 150 kgm.h-1 excelled was (116.7micrometer,21.0 micrometer, 36.7 micrometer, 21.7 micrometer, 13.7 stomata. Microfield-1, 22.7 stomata. Microfield-1, 4.0 motor cell), respectively, except epidermis cells count whose highest value was without the addition of magnesium, 66.3 cell. Microfield-1. As for the effect of Soil texture, the blend clay soil excelled the blend sand soil. The highest value was (126.0 micrometer, 20.96 micrometer, 35.90 micrometer, 20.831 micrometer, 12.8 stomata. Microfield-1, 21.25 stomata. Microfield-1, 3.6 motor cell), respectively, except epidermis cells count where the blend sand soil excelled with a highest value of 64.50 cell. Microfield-1.


Main Subjects

  1. 1- تفوقت نسبة الاستنفاذ الرطوبی 25% معنویاً فی غالبیة الصفات التشریحیة تلتها نسب الاستنفاذ الرطوبی 50%و 75%.

    2- استجابة کافة الصفات المدروسة معنویاً لمستویات إضافة المغنیسیوم.

    3- تفوق التربة الطینیة المزیجة على التربة الرملیة المزیجة فی اغلب الصفات المدروسة.

    4- کان للتداخل بین نسبة الاستنفاذ الرطوبی 25% ومستوى إضافة المغنیسیوم 150کغم.هـ-1 فی التربة الطینیة المزیجة أفضل تأثیر ایجابی فی الصفات المدروسة.



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