Document Type : Research Paper


Ministry of Science and Technology - Water Research and Laboratories Center


Algae diatom Navicual busiedtii used to decreasing salts of salty water with concentration 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 ppt. depending on diatoms ability for growing and reproduction at salty water environment. Recorded concentration in the end of Experiment is 0, 0, 2, 5.4, 23.1 ppt. respectively. Recorded higher vital number of Navicual busiedtii is 138.408 ×104 cell/ml with growing rate 2.39 cell/hour in short multiplication time 10.51 cell/hour with absorption 0.484 nm. of concentration 16 ppt. compared with control treatment which vital number of alga was 65.473 × 104 cell/ml with growing rate 1.76 cell/hour in multiplication time 13.97 cell/hour with absorption 0.320 nm. On the other hand the concentration 32 ppt. show powerless cells with vital number 74.355×104 with growing rate 1.16 cell/hour of multiplication period 19.21 cell/hour longer period than treatments of lower concentrations.

Main Subjects

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