Document Type : Research Paper


University of Anbar - College of Education for Girls


This study included isolation of some active materials from SeidlitziaRosmarinus such as tannins, saponins and volatile oils with percentage of 59.1%, 31.1%, and 9.% respectively. Also the study included the determination of minerals in SeidlitziaRosmarinus such as " Na, Ca and K" using Flame photometer. The concentrations of these minerals were (86 ppm),(65 ppm) and )467 ppm)respectively. The anti-bacterial activity study was performed for the active materials isolated from SeidlitziaRosmarinus against two genus of pathogenic bacteria, Escherichia Coli and aurousStaphylococcus using agar-well diffusion method. It appeared from this study that all of the extraction have inhibitory effect on bacteria activity. The inhibition zone diameter varies with the type of active compound, its concentration and the genus of bacteria.

Main Subjects

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