Document Type : Research Paper


Tikrit University - College of Engineering


Competent study to valuation quality of local imported bottled water with different volume (0.5-20) liter during periods July. to December /2011 in Tikrit city and compared the results with standard SDWF and World Health Organization for bottled drinking water and the recorded properties. The results of this study clari/fied theincrease in values and concentrations of turbidity, pH, total dissolved solids, total hardness, calcium, dissolve oxygen, color, nitrogen and potassium in local and imported samples. All the results are accordant with standard SDWF and World Health Organization except TDS in four local samples. The result showed that almost of recorded properties in the cover of bottles are not accordant with effect propertied drinking bottled water.Key word: Bottled drinking water, Standard drinking water quality, Examination physical, Chemical and biological properties, Bottled drinking water, Coliform bacteria.

Main Subjects

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