Document Type : Research Paper


1 University of Anbar - College of Science

2 University of Anbar - College of Engineering

3 University of Anbar - College of Education for Pure Sciences


This research deals with two important subjects in the local and global areas , the first is the environmental pollution and the second is economic advantages of recycling and reusing of industrial materials. One of the most important industrial materials is styropor waste. Because of many good properties of Styropor, like compressibility and a good ability to mould according to human needs, this material become as an important material in several life categories. In the other side, there are industrial disadvantages presented by big waste quantities.In this research a study of the effect of adding styropor to concrete as a percentage by weight of cement on some properties of concrete. Four mixtures with different percentage of styropor, and a reference mix, were made. The experimental work includes several tests like, compressive strength, splitting tensile strength and density. These ages of these tests were (7, 28 and 90) days.Results showed that adding of Styropor wastes reduce the compressive strength , splitting tensile strength and density.

Main Subjects

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