Document Type : Research Paper


1 * University Of Al- Anbar - College of Sciences

2 Baghdad University – College of Sciences for Women

3 Al-Mustansiriya University - National Diabetes Center for Treatment and Research



Metabolic disorder of multiple causes characterized by chronic hyperglycemia and disorders of carbohydrate, fat, and protein metabolism… that have higher than normal serum creatinine and urea levels .The present study was carried out in patients with T2DM to evaluate the status of vitamin C, uric acid, urea and creatinine in total 51 (Iraqi females) patients and 31 control subjects matched for age, sex and ethnic background.Uric acid, urea and creatinine were measured by using commercially available kits. Serum vitamin C levels were measured by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). In type 2 diabetic patients serum creatinine and ureasignificantly elevated(P<0.001[HS]) and (P=0.021[S]) respectively while SUA and serum vitamin C were non significantly and significantly decreased (P=0.09 [NS]) and (P=0.005[S]) respectively as compared to control group.The normal levels of serum creatinine (0.76±0.15.1mg/dl) , urea (26.1±4.6mg/dl),uric acid (4.3±0.6mg/dl), and vitamin C (1.07±0.27mg/dl) recorded for the non-diabetic females were recorded in the diabetic females (0.94±0.17mg/dl); (28.8±5.3mg/dl) ; (4.1±0.7mg/dl ) and(0.92±0.19 mg/ml)for serum creatinine, urea , uric acid and vitamin Crespectively.In conclusion study shows significant increasing in urea and creatinine in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients when compared to control. Low levels of vitamin C and uric acid in diabetic patients indicating to an increased oxidative stress.Vitamin C level trying to fight against oxidative stress.


Main Subjects

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