Document Type : Research Paper


Samarra University - College of Education


The study was conducted to study the effect of many kinds of Legume grain treated with plant oil on the biology and development of Callosobruchus maculates ( Fab.),those Legume were White and red cowpeas , chick-pea fine and coarse, coarse soft Legume. They were mixed with three kind of plant oils with mixing rate of 5 % for all kind of plant oils, Oils used in this study were: olive oil, castor oil with two period s of storage (2) and (4) months, and sunflower oil with period of storage(2) months. Seeds were packaged In three types of bags : jute bag, Cloth and pvc , and then the all seeds bag were infected with five pairs of adult insect newly emerged. The results showed: That the type of oil and the storage period and the type of bag significant effect in protecting seeds from injury C. maculates and top protection for grain legume treatment Oils in the castor oil followed by olive oil and less sun flower oil, chickpeas coarse grains and beans fine and coarse less affected "and a preference in the nutrition of the insect, and the type of bag was the best protection in a cloth bag and followed a jute bag and bag pvc , And that the storage period of two Months better than four of the lack of grain as well as the lack of injury weighing in consumption due to the low productivity of the insect

Main Subjects

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