Document Type : Research Paper


1 University of Anbar - College of Sciences

2 University of Anbar - College of Education for Pure Sciences


Total oral bacterial samples ( 122 ) were collected form several (E-N-T) units in Educated Ramadi hospital in the period between the first of October to the end of March 2013 isolated including 211 isolates of bacteria were obtained 8 types of bacteria in order to isolate and identify the types of bacteria that can live with tonsillitisand this study included both sexes with the age range of (1 – 46 and up) years. Many gram negative and positive bacteria were isolated and the highest percent 19.4 % (41 Isolates)was related to the type Moraxella catarrhalis while the lowest percent 4.2 % (9 Isolates) was related to Klebseilla pnumoniae .However, the rest isolates were recorded to be 17.6%(37 Isolates) for Staphylococcus aureus., 14.7 % (31 Isolates) for Streptococcus pyogenes .,13.8% (29 Isolates)for Haemophilus influenzae ., 12.3%(26 Isolates) for Streptococcus pneumoniae., 9.5%(20 Isolates) for Staphylococcus epidermids and 8.5%(18 Isolates) for Streptococcus viridians. This study showed that there was no significant effects of the sex and age but there was significant effects of the place of living on the infection.Bacterial isolates showed high sensitivity to Gentamicin, Imipenem and the rate was 100% sensitivity.Gram negative bacteria showed resistance to antibiotics 11.11%of bacteria isolates were resistant to Amikacin while 33.33% of them were resistant to Cefotaxime and Tetracycline and 44.44%of isolates were resistant to Erythromycin and 66.66% of isolates were resistant to Clindamycin and Azetreonam and 77.77% of isolates were resistant to Vancomycin while all isolates of isolates were resistant to Amoxycilin / clavulanic acid. As shown gram positive bacterial isolates to were less resistant to antibiotics uses, the ratios as follows: Cefotaxime , Erythromycin and Azetreonam %6.66 Clindamycin 20 % and Vancomycin and Amoxycilin /clavulanic acid 40% While all of gram positive isolates were sensitive to Tetracycline .

Main Subjects

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