Document Type : Research Paper


Samarra University - College of Education;


Efficacy of different concentration ( 1, 3, 5, % ) of cold and boiled water extracts of Melia azedarach and Mentha piperita on mortality of adults of khpra beetle Trogoderma granarium was studied .Daily insects mortality percentages and accumulative mortality after 72 hours of treatment with aqueous extracts was counted. The results showed that the highest accumulative mortality percentages of adults insect 86.6% and 83.3% recorded when larvae treated with 5% concentration of boiled water extract of Melia azedarach and cold water extract of Mentha piperita ,Respectively .Cold water extract of Mentha piperita in all concentration that used in this study caused high adults mortality percentages compared with low mortality percentages recorded when insect treated with boiled water extract , while adverse results showed in larval mortality percentages when insect treated with boiled and cold water extracts of Melia azedarach . The highest mortality percentages were recorded in larvae which treated with boiled or cold water extracts for both plants in the first day after treatment and these mortality percentages decreases gradually in the second and third days after treatment


Main Subjects

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