Document Type : Research Paper


University of Anbar - College of Education for Pure Sciences


Total oral bacterial samples ( 126 ) were collected form several dentist units distributed in various areas throughout Fallujah and Ramadi in order to isolate and identify the anaerobic types of bacteria that can live orally and that bacteria which cause a bad breath in human. The study included both sexes with the age range of 5 – 67 years.
Many gram negative and positive bacteria were isolated and the highest percent 20.63 % was related to the type Streptococcus mutans while the lowest percent 6.34 % was related to B. subtilis. And for the first time in Iraq P.gingivalis was isolated with a percent of 7.9 % which found to be involved in the teeth infections.The sensitivity of these bacteria to nine antibiotics was tested. The highest inhibitory average reached a diameter 16.875 mm when using Chloramphenicol While Metronidazole gave the lowest inhibitory average 1.976 mm.The chemical test on the effective groups of Cinnamomum cassia was conducted and the results showed that the cortex contained most of the effective inhibitory groups of bacterial growth which make the plant to have its medical importance.These plants inhibitory substances in the cortex as extracts were studied on the bacterial isolates .The oil extract gave a superior significant effect than the others in inhibiting bacterial growth. Then after ethanol extract then cold water extract and finally hot water extract which had the lowest effect.The resulted inhibitory diameters upon using these four extracts were compared with the inhibitory effects of the antibiotics used, the highest inhibitory effect was reached by using the various plant cortex extracts except Staphylococcus spp. which was affected more by the antibiotics, Gentamicin and Rifampin than by the plant extracts

Main Subjects

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