Document Type : Research Paper


University of Anbar - College of Education for Pure Sciences


Abstract:In this study six varieties of maize (Zea mays L.) used which where Z. mays saccharata (Z1), Z. mays indurate (Z2), Z. mays indentata (Z3), Z. mays everta (Z4), Z. mays tunicate (Z5) and Z. mays amylacea (Z6), and (10) RAPD primers for detection of the genetic variation among the DNA of these varieties and determine the genetic relationship among them and also determine the genetic fingerprint. the mount of DNA was between (65-90) microgram for each (1) gram of the leaves of these varieties after isolation the genomic DNA by (CTAB) method with purity range between (1.5-1.85) and interfering (PCR) reactions and then electrophoresis on agarose gel.The results of RAPD reactions showed that the primer (OPW-09) didn't show amplified results while nine primers appear (277) band, (120) bands are monomorphic and the percent (43.32%), (157) bands polymorphic and at percent (56.67%). The results of genetic diversity appeared the RAPD is the least value of the genetic diversity was (0.21349) between the varieties (Z2, Z5) and the highest value was (0.56484) between (Z1, Z5). according to genetic analysis for the results, the dendogram divided in to three major groups, the first major group include (Z1), and the second group (Z6) only while the third major group was divided in to three minor groups. The first minor group contained (Z4) and the second group (Z3) while the third group includes (Z2, Z5).


Main Subjects

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